Chris Chan

First Post

23 August 2014

So many dreams and goals yet so little time…

In my 20’s, I had been scratching my head in between happy hours and weekend boozing on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So over the last 3 years, I came up with specific goals that I would set for myself to accomplish: become a project manager, own a home, move to SF, get my MBA. I’ve accomplished all but the MBA so far. Many would think that’s good enough and I’d be able to live comfortably this way the rest of my life. The problem is after I had accomplished these goals, I was stuck wondering what’s next?

I realized that these goals that I set for myself were short to medium term but lacked the clarity of direction for the long term. Why become a project manager? Why own a home or go for your MBA? These were all goals I set in my mind to stabilize my financial security which is very important to me. That’s probably why I didn’t pursue the MBA route quite as stubbornly, since it didn’t offer any immediate tangible benefits and would actually put me in debt . But what’s my end game? What’s my life purpose? What do I want people to remember by when I pass?

I read an article online a couple weeks ago which help put my dreams into an actionable and accountable list that I’m letting drive my goals for the next year. This in turn sparked my desire to start this blog…my collection of ideas and stories that will ultimately paint a picture of what my end game will look like.

Ryan Allis’ article states you should create a one-pager with your specific goals for the next 1 year, 10 years and lifetime. I took a bit of time and came up with this list that I both signed and framed.

Too ambitious? Perhaps, but I’d rather try reaching for the stars than not try at all. With all that said, I’ll be posting my idea that I’ve been working on over the course of the last couple months.

Stay hungry, stay foolish.