Chris Chan

New Year, New Goals

31 December 2015

I actually started my new goals back in September. Weird time to pick new goals but if you go back to my First Post, you’ll see why.

As for my new goals, you can check it out here:

To be honest, I haven’t made much headway on many except for #1. More to come on that in a later post…

I’ve been scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed the last couple days and noticed an abrupt amount of articles related to getting back in the gym, setting new years resolutions, act now-don’t complain…etc. I do appreciate these articles and it’s logical to start seeing these types of articles around this time of year, but if you’re just thinking about your goals at the end of the year because someone/thing told you to think about it, you’re already 1 step behind…but not too late. Start today and try to achieve them with a sense of urgency!

This will be my 2nd iteration on goal-setting and the single most important thing I’ve learned is, although a bit cliche, it’s about the journey and not the goal. Reach for the heavens and hopefully you’ll get to the tree tops. My goals from last year pushed me to not settle on my current role at work, led me to move to LA and move back in a matter of 6 months, took me to different lands to meet people who would influence me on a deep level…the list goes on. Setting goals do work although the outcome may not be what you intended. Whether the outcome is good or bad, one thing is certain, you will grow as a person.

I’m reminded of another article this amazing woman sent me awhile back that very much captures the spirit of what I’m trying to convey. I’ll leave you with this: 21 Incredible Life Lessons From Anthony Bourdain on Life, Relationships, Travel and Most Importantly Food.

Happy New Year and stay hungry, stay foolish.