Chris Chan


21 September 2014

I recently completed a Product Management course that’s designed to help you create your own product and/or give you the necessary tools to become a Product Manager. The class was immensely insightful and forced me to go through the motions of analytical and detailed thinking that’s involved to put together a worthy business plan (business model, KPI’s, MVP, mock-ups…etc). I still feel it needs some massaging but the first iteration was solid enough IMO.

The idea I used for my product is something I’ve been thinking about the last year or so and decided to apply to this class. I call it, RaadMaps.

My goal is to create an inter-network charge station location platform where charge networks can broadcast locations, availability and prices of their charge stations by June of 2016. EV charging logistics are not a hinderance to wide adoption of RaadMaps.


  1. EV (eletric vehicle) owners have an issue with finding charge stations nearby with the apps they use already.
  2. RaadMaps app can easily connect with various charge networks to conduct payments and logistics for charging.
  3. The EV market is large/mature enough to gain mainstream adoption for profitability.

I’ll have to test those assumptions before I put any real effort into this, but here’s a peek at a mock-up of what one of the screens would look like on an iPhone :)